Personally, I think constellation (Godspeed You! Black Emperor's
record company) wins this particular
battle. (Or should I say "battle"?)
You impute "profit margin" as a motive for godspeed's dealings with
record labels. This is defamatory nonsense, and precisely the
opposite of the facts. godspeed's "profit margin" will not increase
with constellation. Any of our distributors could have informed you
that the CD retail price for Yanqui U.X.O. will be lower than
godspeed's previous American CDs. That's because we'll be charging
less for it. And because we'll be charging less for it, godspeed
won't make as much money. As an aside, neither will constellation be
making as much as the American label did and goes on doing with their
first three godspeed CDs. But how charming to see Exclaim! -
"Canada's Music Authority" (sic) - throw out this particular libel.
'Montreal rock group moves from indie American label to indie Canadian
label in a blatant cash grab'. You idiots.
Constellation records are generally cheaper in my experience, by at
least $5. I will confess that I didn't buy my copy of Yanqui U.X.O.,
despite the godspeed admonition inside the packaging:
Though godspeed is guilty of profiting from hateful chain store
sales, we encourage you to avoid giving money to predatory retailers
and superstores.
Which is all part of the gybe dance of trying to make money honorably,
or with least amount of dishonor. (I know, boohoo. I respect the
effort, personally.)
Now how about some tour
dates? I promise to only shop at zulu records and Highlife!
Currently listening to: P.J. Harvey - Happy And