Other people's wallets. Famous people's wallets are boring too. Well, except Bruce la Bruce's:
Posted by Bill Stilwell at February 04, 2001 12:00 AM
Contents: Mastercard; American Express card; 2 bank cards; driver's licence; health card; blood-type card (A positive); birth certificate; $205.73 (Cdn.); 50 Polish zloty; American $2 bill; British 5-pound note; 20 rand from South Africa; Bell calling card; Aeroplan card; Advantage American Airlines card; University of Toronto Athletic Centre card; Shopper's Drug Mart Optimum card; 2 German phone cards; hmv CD-club card; Festival membership card for Toronto repertory cinemas; ticket stub for the band Thee Michelle Gun Elephant from The Garage in London, England; Cineplex Odeon courtesy pass for one movie; receipts from Footlight Records in New York, a showing of Fight Club at Union Square in New York, and for airport limousines (2); phone number of a hustler named Zack; flyer for a screening of his film Bruce La Bruce: Bigger By Demand at Blinding Light Cinema in Vancouver; flyer for the after-party of his photographic exhibit at the Helen Pitt Gallery in Vancouver; old flyer from a German club with a picture of Prince in bikini underwear; a condom; a Pikachu sticker with his name and phone number on it (in case his wallet is lost); two photo-booth stickers of LaBruce with a fashion editor he met in Tokyo; business cards from: Sneakers (Toronto bar), Jonah Falcon (man with the biggest penis in America), 99X (a clothing store in New York), I.C. Guys (a gay bar in New York), somebody named Kurt, Sal's Tattoo and Barber Shop in Toronto, and a fake card for Dodi Al Fayed, "Billionaire playbody and royal consort."