My current pile of started-but-not-finished books:

An approximation of what I've read in the past, say, 6 months:

Update: Richard provides a photo of his unread pile and some details about the contents. I must confess that my photo was just of the unread books sitting around the bed - if I'd pulled stuff off the shelves like Richard it would have included (at least) Bleak House, The Royal Family, Elementary Particles, Flatterland, The City of Yes, Ulysses, and The Magic Mountain. not reading only the best in quality literature.
Further Update: Three's a trend, right? The mention of buddha brought another couple unfinished books to mind: Three Pillars of Zen and The Story of Buddhism. Geez. Is there some point at which I should just admit that some of these books have been given up on rather than 'pending'?