Under the guidance of his father and mentor, the young man had dreamed himself a pair of wings.One of my favourite books is a small volume of stories/parables by Michael Ende called Mirror in the Mirror. Ende is, of course, much more famous for writing The Neverending Story and Momo. Mirror in the Mirror is not a kid's book though - most of the stories are thoroughly sad. The book was inspired by the illustrations of his father, Edgar, who was a surrealist.
My favorite story from the book is illustrated by a pen and ink drawing entitled Winged Figure. Unfortunately, the book is now out of print and difficult to find - I was lucky enough to pick it up on whim from a remainder bin for $2.50. Fortunately, though, I know how to type. Enjoy ©
Larry Wall, developer of the Perl language, has a similar perspective. "Open source should be about giving away things voluntarily," he says. "When you force someone to give you something, it's no longer giving, it's stealing. Persons of leisurely moral growth often confuse giving with taking."I personally think there is something to the argument that Napster does increase sales as people will listen to a lot more music and buy more music, but there has to be a middle ground where it's possible to enforce artist's rights as well as enable music lover's. ©
Update - don't bother. I didn't get through to the link right away and assumed it was an actual excerpt, not an invitation to buy Saturday Night so you could read the excerpt. ©
As far as homosexuality itself goes, I think modern society could learn a lot from the Bible. The notion that all humanity is divided into different sexual camps and that everybody, therefore, almost by definition must fall into one category or the other, is not supported by Scripture. (Even the violent miscreants of Sodom who openly declare their interest in violating Lot's angelic guests are not described as a mob of gay men, just of evil wrongdoers intent on abusing some strangers in the most humiliating way possible.)©The idea that every aspect of people's lives, including their sexual lives, can be fashioned into a conduit leading to God, on the other hand, is the foundation stone on which both the faith of ancient Israel and modern Judaism rest.
Even toilet seats in public rest rooms are not especially germy. In a 1995 study, Gerba found E. coli on only one out of 59 public rest room toilet seats -- most likely from the toilet water, which aerosolizes into a microscopic mist when the toilet flushes. There were far more fecal bacteria in sinks and on sanitary napkin dispensers, the latter being commonly overlooked by janitors. (Other commonly overlooked bacterial ick zones, as determined by Gerba over the years: hotel TV remotes, vending machine buttons and bank pens.)©
Overzealous fans and supporters can sometimes be more of a detriment than a blessing, but they've never killed a product. Until now. PC Accelerator, a magazine aimed at high-end gamers, was shut down because its readership of hardcore gamers were flaming its advertisers. They wrote obscene letters to PC makers like Dell for advertising in the magazine, since most hardcore gamers build their own PCs. The worst case was when AOL sign-up CDs were included in an issue. "You wouldn't believe how many people microwaved their AOL CDs and sent them to AOL, saying 'Don't ever advertise in PC Accelerator ever again,'" said one former staffer. Publisher Imagine Media, which has over a dozen gaming magazines, didn't need this headache and pulled the plug.Judging by what I've seen of this magazine, you could probably substitute "testosterone-addled sexist 17 year olds" for high-end gamers in the first paragraph. ©
I did that joke in Alabama, and these three rednecks met me after the show. "Hey buddy, c'mere. Hey Mister Comedian, c'mere." Yeah, I love that move (makes shoving motion) "C'mere!" Not a physics major, I think that's a safe bet. "Mister Funnyman, c'mere. Hey buddy, we're Christians and we don't like what you said." I said, then forgive me....
I was in Nashville, Tennesee last year, after the show I went to a Waffle House, I'm not proud of it, I was hungry. And I'm alone, I'm eating and I'm reading a book, right? Waitress walks over to me, "Tch tch tch tch. Hey, what you readin' for?" Is that like the weirdest fucking question you've ever heard? Not what am I reading, but what am I reading for. Well, godammit, you stumped me. Why do I read? Well... hmmm... I guess I read for a lot of reasons, and the main one, is so I don't end up, being a fucking waffle waitress.
Cause you know, if you play New Kids on the Block albums backwards, they sound better. "Oh come on, Bill, they're the New Kids, don't pick on them, they're so good and they're so clean cut and they're such a good image for the children." Fuck that. When did mediocrity and banality become a good image for your children? I want my children to listen to people who fucking rocked. I don't care if they died in puddles of their own vomit. I want someone who plays from his fucking heart. "Mommy, mommy, the man that Bill told me to listen to has a blood bubble on his nose!" Shut up and listen to him play! The New Kids! "Hi we're the New Kids and we're so good and clean-cut..." (cocksucking noises) "We're so clean cut!" Seig Heil! Heil! Heil! A good clean country... Heil! Heil! Heil! (more cocksucking noises) Fuck that! I want my rock stars dead! I want them to fucking play with one hand and put a gun in their other fucking hand and go "I hope you enjoy the show!" ©
Imagine being Spyder and running. Running where? There isn't a country left on the planet that he hasn't screwed-over. Tonga? Tuvalu? Pitcairn Island? They've all got domain names! Even the Ayatollahs are scratching their beards, forced to do arcane crap like purging their system directories of MSKernel32.vbs. Angry Serbian warez pirates are searching fruitlessly for their vanished MP3s. Even Saddam Hussein couldn't resist clicking that ILOVEYOU attachment.©
I do wonder if the expected FTC settlement will have any effect on prices in Canada. (Link free from Tomalak, although it should really cost more.) ©
E. P. Thompson wrote an influential paper about the fashion for pocket watches when pocket watches were new. People would spend large parts of their wealth to get one. They served to get one to places on time, and they also served to signify. Neither happens without the other. What does the Internet signify? The Internet came along at the moment when engineers -- at least the leading cultural edge of them -- were surrendering the centuries-old conception of engineering as the Godlike giving of rational order. What's to take the place of that conception? Engineers facilitate local ordering. Rather than discover and optimal order, they provide a platform. That's the ideal, which we code with the word "open". But platforms, alas, are public goods. If markets epitomize the otherwise inchoate wish for an open society, we've been learning that marketplaces are commodities too.©
One of the challenges of creating the Code Morphing software was to make the Crusoe processor, in many cases, bug-compatible with the x86 so that it would generate the so-called Blue Screen of Death at many of the same times an x86 processor would.©
Harnessing Brainwaves©The electroencephelogram-based technology Capita acquired from NASA was, compared to the way it appears and works today, quite rudimentary. The device the space agency used to read crew members brainwaves looked like a shower cap with grommets on it. To get clear readings a conductive gel had to be injected into the grommets with a hypodermic needle, while the pilot was wearing the cap.
Two and a-half years later, the cap has been re-engineered so that now it is about the size, weight, and appearance of a pair of headphones for a portable tape or CD player. It takes a few seconds to fit the headset to an individual so that the sensors are in the correct position to pick up the necessary readings. The procedure is dry and noninvasive.
Readings from the headset are transmitted to a computer powered by Capita's proprietary software. The computer reads the electrical signals coming from the surface of the scalp five times a second, converting those signals into a scrolling graph that is synchronized with the visual stimuli, such as television programming, commercial advertisements, web sites, or print materials.
Peaks and valleys in the graph correspond to when the viewer is engaged or tuned out.
These characters are all well played, but we don't fully connect with them. Or, finally, with an endless movie that mostly mistakes inflation for importance.Funny, thing is I connected with them. Then again, I don't write for Time, so my finger must not be on the "pulse". From the same reviewer's review of Fight Club:
For we begin to realize that the hunky Pitt is the willowy Norton's doppelganger, a projection of fantasies about masculine mastery.
(Not only does he tell me how I think, he also tries to ruin the movie!)
I'd find more examples, but Time's search engine gives me a headache. ©